Чт . 10.04.2025 • 19:15
Olympic Voodoo Casino at Radisson Blu Hotel
OlyBet April Poker Series Qualification to ME 18.04
Buy in 30,00
Fr . 11.04.2025 • 19:15
Olympic Voodoo Casino at Radisson Blu Hotel
NLH Bubble Hunter Bonus
*10€ Bubble Hunter Bonus (split 50/50) 8 levels.
Buy in 100,00
Сб . 12.04.2025 • 19:15
Olympic Voodoo Casino at Radisson Blu Hotel
NLH Rebuys Frenzy
Buy in 60,00
Вс . 13.04.2025 • 19:15
Olympic Voodoo Casino at Radisson Blu Hotel
NLH Sunday 3 Rebuys anytime
Buy in 30,00
Пн . 14.04.2025 • 19:15
Olympic Voodoo Casino at Radisson Blu Hotel
OlyBet April Poker Series Qualification to ME 18.04
Buy in 30,00
Вт . 15.04.2025 • 19:15
Olympic Voodoo Casino at Radisson Blu Hotel
OlyBet April Poker Series NLH Warm up
OlyBet April Poker Series
*Final table players- OlyBet special offer
Buy in 100,00
Ср . 16.04.2025 • 19:15
Olympic Voodoo Casino at Radisson Blu Hotel
OlyBet April Poker Series NLH/PLO 4/5 Card
OlyBet April Poker Series
* Dealers Choice
*Final table players -OlyBet special offer
Buy in 80,00
Чт . 17.04.2025 • 19:15
Olympic Voodoo Casino at Radisson Blu Hotel
OlyBet April Poker Series NLH Progressive Bounty
OlyBet April Poker Series
* PKO (2x25 €)
*Final table players -OlyBet special offer
Buy in 150,00
Fr . 18.04.2025 • 19:15
Olympic Voodoo Casino at Radisson Blu Hotel
OlyBet April Poker Series NLH Main Event
OlyBet April Poker Series
*Final table players- OlyBet special offer
*The winner will receive the OlyBet poker set!
Buy in 300,00
Сб . 19.04.2025 • 19:15
Olympic Voodoo Casino at Radisson Blu Hotel
OlyBet April Poker Series NLH Deep Stack
OlyBet April Poker Series
*Final table players -OlyBet special offer
Buy in 150,00